The Brain from Uranus

1. If you are the winner of our Launchpad, how do you plan on developing your IP, once the comic with your story has been released?

As we’re pushing artistic, technical and creative boundaries with nfts, I am keen to explore AR to display artwork from the launchpad story if the Brain is lucky enough to be featured.

This could look like an exhibition with AR artwork, an immersive AR experience ( hopefully based on Brain’s psychedelic trip!) or even just augmented displays in public settings.

See video below for a rough proof of concept.

It would be great to enhance these visuals further with AI assisted artworks

It would be sick if the launchpad story could be featured in AR at a comic con event. It would be such a cool way to introduce Pinballer and Inhabitants to audiences.

I would love to see the IP develop from this augmented/virtual space into a small physical run toy/figurine line, with a 3D digital counterpart. I’m working on some ideas in this space and look forward to sharing some prototypes one day!

I think that creating fun interactive experiences without even mentioning nfts could be an interesting pathway to building audiences around the magic of the tech. The nft is almost an afterthought, just a method of delivery.

So I would love to use the launchpad opportunity to grow the audience for the entire Pinballer/Inhabitants universe

2. If you could license your IP to sell a product, what product would it be and what would it be called? 

I think the Brain from Uranus would be a great fit for humorous games, or brain training apps.

You could call it Brain Farts.

The other (less silly) idea, would be to use the Brain as a kind of educational mascot around teenage mental health and substance abuse. The concept of a brain from Uranus is that sometimes the brain acts against our best interests ( the brain can be an a**hole), and can trip us up when we aren’t in control of it.

I think the character could be irreverent enough to appeal to teenagers, while also being able to get the seriousness of the issues across.

I work in healthcare and would be interested in exploring this idea further.

In relation to Q1, I also meant to mention that I have been running the twitter account @brainfromuranus for just over a year, am active on community spaces, governance proposals and ideas for both pvfd & updao. I’ve also been developing 3D models & artwork for both the Brain & a mutant called Nova.

Thanks for the opportunity to present this story and ideas! Good luck to all!!