1. If you are the winner of our Launchpad, how do you plan on developing your IP, once the comic with your story has been released?
If Dral is the winner I would certainly like to build out his character. Starting with his own social media accounts with the aim to have his own comedy comics. If he became popular enough I would love to see him in his own collection of toys and merch
2. If you could license your IP to sell a product, what product would it be and what would it be called?
Whoever pays the most money (only joking). A link up with Hasbro, creating a simple cardgame with funny and provocative questions. Those you see in gift shops. Cheap and easy to produce and achieve. Call it "To saturn and back" 200 fun questions dral compiled during his adventures around the galaxy now brought to earth and into your living room. Dral gives off energy drink vibes so a link up with Monster or similar company with his face on the can